„J lenne sznhzban dolgozni, de rlam soha nem kerl le a ruha. Minden mst megtennk, csak azt nem.”
Rupert Grint
> Say you don't want it
One Night Only - Say you don't want it
Talk all the talk with a poet’s style
Tongue like electric, eyes like a child
Buy only wives and the classic cars
Live like a saviour, live like the stars
Talk all the talk with a mother’s smile
Tongue like electric, eyes like a child
Buy all your highs and the classic cars
Die on the front page, just like the stars
The big screens, the plastic-made dreams
Say you don’t want it, say you don’t want it
Its our world, the picture-book girls
Say you don’t want it, say you don’t want it
don’t you ask me if its long my dare
Love don’t really mean a thing round here
The fake scenes the plastic-made dreams
Say you don’t want it, say you don’t want it
Pace all the rooms with a jealous style
Tongue like electric, eyes like a child
Paint all your soul with the grand designs
Reach like a saviour, your heart on the line
Talk all the talk with a mother’s smile
Tongue like electric, eyes like a child
Buy all your highs and the classic cars
Die on the front page, just like the stars
The big screens, the plastic-made dreams
Say you don’t want it, say you don’t want it
Its our world, the picture-book girls
Say you don’t want it, say you don’t want it
don’t you ask me if its long my dare
Love don’t really mean a thing round here
The fake scenes the plastic-made dreams
Say you don’t want it, say you don’t want it
The big screens, the plastic-made dreams
Say you don’t want it, say you don’t want it
Its our world, the picture-book girls
Say you don’t want it, say you don’t want it
don’t you ask me if its long my dare
Love don’t really mean a thing round here
The fake scenes the plastic-made dreams
Say you don’t want it, say you don’t want it
Say you don’t want it, say you don’t want it
Say you don’t want it, say you don’t want it
Emma Watson fija, George Craig most rlhet igazn, hogy hres bartnje van: kevs feltrekv rocker mondhatja el magrl, hogy Hollywood legjobban fizetett sznsznjvel forgat klipet. A yorkshire-i One Night Only nvre keresztelt banda j szmhoz New Yorkban ksztettek videt: a 4 perces alkotsban a 20 ves Watson s a 19 ves Craig futkrozik az utckon, boltokon s vurstlin szaladglnak t, perecet lopnak, lazulnak. A klip vgn derl fny furcsa viselkedsk okra, tudniillik az nekes s szerelme valjban nem ember, hanem kutya, s Watson tehets gazdasszonya vet vget a romncnak.
A Harry Potter sztrja azt nyilatkozta a Daliymail-nek, hogy a klipet a klasszikus Disney rajzfilm, a Susi s Tekerg ihlette. Watson s Craig a Burberry reklmfotzsn tallkoztak, kzel egy hnapja randiznak, de csak a Glastonbury fesztivlon mutatkoztak elszr egytt. A sznszn egybknt nagy rajongja a bandnak: „Minden, amit csinlnak, bmulatos! Valahogy n is rszt akartam venni a bandban, ekkor jtt az tlet, hogy egytt ksztsk a klipet” – mondta Watson.